2018 Collection of Web Pages

Apr 15, 2019

深入解析String#intern -
46. Creating Your Own Auto-configuration
mybatis 3.x源码深度解析与最佳实践(最完整原创) - zhjh256 - 博客园
Viewing the Contents of a JAR File (The Java™ Tutorials > Deployment > Packaging Programs in JAR Files)
Git - 初次运行 Git 前的配置
java - com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure - Stack Overflow
数据库的读现象浅析-HollisChuang's Blog
Innodb中的事务隔离级别和锁的关系 -
HTTP Client in IntelliJ IDEA Code Editor - Help | IntelliJ IDEA
Java异常处理和设计 - ImportNew
Is it Really Better to 'Return an Empty List Instead of null'? / Part 1 - CodeProject
PATH and CLASSPATH (The Java™ Tutorials > Essential Classes > The Platform Environment)
java - What is a classpath? - Stack Overflow
Provide exclude support for test auto-configuration · Issue #6809 · spring-projects/spring-boot
Dubbo应用启动与关闭流程日志剖析——Annotation配置 - 简书
服务方启动不了 · Issue #46 · alibaba/dubbo-spring-boot-starter
jstat - Java Virtual Machine Statistics Monitoring Tool
JVM Statistics With jstat - DZone Java
Oliver Gierke - Why field injection is evil
@NoArgsConstructor, @RequiredArgsConstructor, @AllArgsConstructor
java - What is the difference between instanceof and Class.isAssignableFrom(...)? - Stack Overflow
InnoDB 存储引擎体系架构 - ygmyth - SegmentFault 思否
MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 15 The InnoDB Storage Engine
java - How to format message with argument names instead of numbers? - Stack Overflow
深入 Java 调试体系,第 3 部分: JDWP 协议及实现
Java远程调试 - 小石头 - BlogJava
reflection - How do I read all classes from a Java package in the classpath? - Stack Overflow
自动动手写TMF --- 3 (扩展点门面)
java - Get generic type of class at runtime - Stack Overflow
bash-handbook/README.md at master · denysdovhan/bash-handbook
fengyuhetao/shell: Linux命令行与shell脚本编程大全案例
一. AWK入门指南 — AWK程序设计语言
《看日记学git》之二十七 – Linux大棚
regex - How to use grep to match multiple strings in the same line? - Stack Overflow
regex - Regular Expressions- Match Anything - Stack Overflow
shell - How do I grep for multiple patterns with pattern having a pipe character? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
How to Clear/Flush DNS Cache in Google Chrome? - RedSome
neoremind/dynamic-proxy: Dynamic proxy library leveraging ASM, CGLIB, ByteBuddy, Javassist and JDKDynamicProxy techniques
Git Commit message Emoji
我初中同学是个白事知宾,讲一讲他的诡异经历。 - 乌鸦小瘦子 - 步行街主干道 - 虎扑社区
Relief-Chris Garneau - 麦田音乐网
面向Java开发人员的十种测试框架库 - 51CTO.COM
java - in memory database h2 how long keep connection open? - Stack Overflow
聊聊MyBatis缓存机制 -
Shell 脚本中执行mysql语句 - CSDN博客
蓝绿部署、A/B 测试以及灰度发布 - V2EX
Apache Curator Unimplemented Errors When Trying to Create zNodes - Stack Overflow
ZooKeeper Version Compatibility
8 Options for Capturing Thread Dumps - DZone Java
Git: How to find a deleted file in the project commit history? - Stack Overflow
(1 封私信)有什么软件能够方便的在地图上标注出一系列地点? - 知乎
电商产品之订单拆分规则与流程 - 简书
kdn251/interviews: Everything you need to know to get the job.
Apache Maven Dependency Plugin – Introduction
maven - How to list the transitive dependencies of an artifact from a repository? - Stack Overflow
The Twelve-Factor App
语义化版本 2.0.0 | Semantic Versioning
Java线程池ThreadPoolExecutor使用和分析(一) - Trust_FreeDom - 博客园
电音入门科普Ⅹ-电音厂牌简介 - 专栏文章 - 网易云音乐
Maven Embedder - Maven CLI Options Reference
【热贴】双11,小姐姐们会给男票买衣服吗? | 活动福利 - 阿里味儿- Alibaba Group
基于Kubernetes的PaaS平台设计和思考 - DockOne.io
DockOne微信分享(四十七):Docker在乐视的实践之路 - DockOne.io
我必须得告诉大家的 MySQL 优化原理 - 后端 - 掘金
Spring Cloud入门教程(一):服务治理(Eureka) - 简书
Java中的对象术语(PO/POJO/VO/BO/DAO/DTO) - 「有且仅有」 - CSDN博客
Complete Guide – How to Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS - KeyCDN
HTTP Error 307 Temporary Redirect Explained
高性能队列——Disruptor -
How to stop an automatic redirect from “http://” to “https://” in Chrome - Super User
java: Class.isInstance vs Class.isAssignableFrom - Stack Overflow
Spring中循环引用的处理-1 | i flym
Spring中循环引用的处理-2 | i flym
Spring中循环引用的处理-3 | i flym
亚马逊CTO 沃纳·威格尔:AWS不是技术导向而是客户导向-亿欧
How to Set $JAVA_HOME environment variable on Mac OS X – Mkyong.com
java - Setting JAVA_HOME environment variable on MAC OSX 10.9 - Stack Overflow
RocketMQ 事务消息的使用与原理分析 | Silence's Blog
再有人问你分布式事务,把这篇扔给他 - 掘金
分布式事务?No, 最终一致性 - 知乎
如何使用 Git 优雅的回滚
HONNE中国首秀在即 性感、绝佳的夜之声浪
HONNE | 三伏天儿的治愈剂!
sql 查询慢的48个原因分析(分享) - 答案是肯定的 - CSDN博客
android - using java decompiler jd-gui and getting // INTERNAL ERROR // - Stack Overflow
java - Divide an int into whole numbers - Stack Overflow
用 Markdown 生成漂亮的手写图 (Mac Only) - 少数派
线程池不允许使用Executors去创建,而是通过ThreadPoolExecutor的方式,这样的处理方式让写的同学更加明确线程池的运行规则,规避资源耗尽的风险。 - pocher-共同学习,一起进步 - 开源中国
What is the java -D command-line option good for? (Foundations forum at Coderanch)
The Random Forest Based Detection of Shadowsock's Traffic - IEEE Conference Publication
mysql - count total records after groupBy select - Stack Overflow
Spring boot - custom variables in Application.properties - Stack Overflow
谷歌浏览器高级使用奇淫技巧(实用汇总) - 掘金
IntelliJ IDEA 内存优化最佳实践 - OneAPM 博客
Redis 设计与实现
java - Removing elements on a List while iterating through it - Code Review Stack Exchange
主流电音风格,你知道哪些?(上) - 音乐科普 - 鹦鹉咖 - 音乐的梦想,在这里起航! - Powered By EduSoho
Spring Boot @EnableAutoConfiguration解析 · Issue #17 · farmerjohngit/myblog
SSH Protocol – Secure Remote Login and File Transfer | SSH.COM
如何通过反射获得方法的真实参数名(以及扩展研究) - 掘金
JEP 118: Access to Parameter Names at Runtime
每日人物 | 有赞CEO白鸦,一个微商头子的进化史
jdk动态代理异常处理分析,UndeclaredThrowableException - 个人文章 - SegmentFault 思否
exception - What could cause java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException? - Stack Overflow
TCP 的那些事儿(下) | | 酷 壳 - CoolShell
Sentinel "How"系列 - qps算法
阿里巴巴开源限流系统 Sentinel 全解析 - 掘金
技术|grep 命令系列:grep 中的正则表达式
Search Multiple Words / String Pattern Using grep Command on Bash shell - nixCraft
Linux grep command help and examples </DL>