- Lesson: Concurrency
- Java SE Specifications
- mermaid - Generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown.
- caroso1222/notyf: 👻 A dead simple, responsive, vanilla JavaScript plugin to show notifications.
- bbeck/token-bucket: Token bucket algorithm for rate-limiting
- Spring是如何回调Aware系列接口? - 简书
- rename git branch locally and remotely
- Spring-boot Spring-Security session timeout - Stack Overflow
- Appendix A. Common application properties
- 7 Rules for REST API URI Design
- Why Memory Barriers?中文翻译(上)
- RFC 3986 - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
- java - Iterating through a Collection, avoiding ConcurrentModificationException when removing in loop - Stack Overflow
- ZooKeeper Getting Started Guide
- ZooKeeper Programmer's Guide
- git checkout - How do I check out a remote Git branch? - Stack Overflow
- Spring - Beans Auto-Wiring Examples
- java - Getting all names in an enum as a String[] - Stack Overflow
- Guava CaseFormat Class
- How exactly works the Spring bean post processor? - Stack Overflow
- Spring 实践:AOP - ImportNew
- How To Use ps, kill, and nice to Manage Processes in Linux | DigitalOcean
- What does constant-time performance mean. (OCPJP forum at Coderanch)
- Vi Cheat Sheet
- Spring - Dynamically register beans
- 领域驱动设计和实践
- 单元测试的基本准则-HollisChuang's Blog
- 使用Spring特性实现接口多实现类的动态调用_慕课手记
- 分解和合并:Java 也擅长轻松的并行编程!
- What really happens when you navigate to a URL </DL>
- Java SE Specifications